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What is the difference between a SparkRaise Profile Account and Channel?
SparkRaise personal profile
SparkRaise Profile Account is an individual account that can be used to donate and follow campaigns, create and manage channels for your organisations, and connect with other Sparkers. This works in a similar fashion to a Facebook profile.
With a SparkRaise profile you can:
- Donate to and Follow campaigns
- Create and Manage personal campaigns
- Create and Manage Channels
- Connect with other SparkRaise Profile accounts
SparkRaise Channel is a page for a social enterprise, non-profit, business, or group to connect with supporters on SparkRaise and SparknShare.
Anyone with a SparkRaise profile account can create a SparkRaise channel or manage one.
The channel can be used to:
- Let Sparkers know about an organisation’s vision, mission and motto
- Create a live crowdfunding campaign and garner a support base of contributors
- Share campaign management with other SparkRaise profiles
- Collate all crowdfunding initiatives related to your organisation